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Daily Meditation 17 – 21 February 2025

These sessions are led by Christopher Titmuss.

Start Time: Monday – Friday, 7 am GMT (London) / 8 am CET (Paris). 60-minute live session.

Deep Psychology Of Karma

Join us as we explore the Buddha’s profound teachings on karma (kamma in Pali), a central aspect of Buddhist teaching that’s often misunderstood or overlooked. Christopher will guide us in examining karma not through abstract theory, but through our own direct experience and practice.

Together, we’ll investigate the intimate connection between our intentions, actions, and their results – both in meditation and daily life. We’ll look deeply into what creates binding patterns of karma, both wholesome and unwholesome, and discover what actions can free us from these patterns altogether.


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Our Daily Meditation Sessions are held on our community platform, Sangha Live Connect. Need help getting started? Follow our guide below.


How to join

Registering for the week's Daily Meditation sessions:
  1. Click on Register Now above.
  2. If you are not logged in you will be guided through the login or registration process
RSVP for the session in Sangha Live Connect (our community platform):
  1. Once you’re logged in to our website, you will enter the Sangha Live Connect platform
  2. If prompted to create a profile, enter any relevant information and click on ‘Continue’.
  3. The “Daily Meditations” space will appear in the left sidebar; click on it to access the space.
  4. Click on ‘RSVP’ for the sessions you would like to join. You will receive reminder emails for any session that you RSVP for.

Christopher Titmuss

Christopher Titmuss, a senior Dharma teacher in the West, offers retreats, leads Zoom meetings and supports social/global change. His teachings focus on ethics, insight meditation (vipassana), the expansive heart and enquiry into emptiness/liberation.

Poet, blogger and social critic, Christopher is the author of 23 books including Light on Enlightenment (1998), The Spiritual Roots of Mindfulness (2019) and The Political Buddha (2018). He is also the founder of the 12-month online Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC) with professional accreditation.

More than 1000 of Christopher’s talks/inquiry sessions and guided meditations are freely available online. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England. Click here to learn more about Christopher Titmuss.