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Daily Meditation 24 – 28 December 2024

Antonia Sumbundu

These sessions are led by Antonia Sumbundu.

Start Time: Monday – Friday, 7 am GMT (London) / 8 am CET (Paris). 60-minute live session.


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Our Daily Meditation Sessions are held on our community platform, Sangha Live Connect. Need help getting started? Follow our guide below.


How to join

Registering for the week's Daily Meditation sessions:
  1. Click on Register Now above.
  2. If you are not logged in you will be guided through the login or registration process
RSVP for the session in Sangha Live Connect (our community platform):
  1. Once you’re logged in to our website, you will enter the Sangha Live Connect platform
  2. If prompted to create a profile, enter any relevant information and click on ‘Continue’.
  3. The “Daily Meditations” space will appear in the left sidebar; click on it to access the space.
  4. Click on ‘RSVP’ for the sessions you would like to join. You will receive reminder emails for any session that you RSVP for.

Antonia Sumbundu

Antonia Sumbundu

Antonia has been practicing meditation for more than 35 years and has had the good fortune to practice and study with a number of great teachers in the Tibetan Buddhist and Insight meditation traditions. Originally trained as clinical psychologist, Antonia has had a long term interest in the psychology of meditation and its applications in different settings. She has been teaching, lecturing and leading meditation retreats internationally since 2002 and is supporting individuals and groups as a mentor and supervisor. In 2010, she was awarded a Master of Studies in MBCT by the University of Oxford and in 2022 she completed the Bodhi College Dharma Teacher Training program.