Many people come to me with hopes that I can teach them practices that will immediately alleviate their stress and anxiety. Then, when I ask them to describe their daily lives, I am shocked by how much “doing” and “going” they are packing into each day! No wonder so many people are stressed!
Buddhism provides us with mindfulness practices we can use to de-stress and experience more peace and ease. Done consistently, these systematic practices can direct us into such inner depths, that they can also transform us from the inside out. In essence, they serve to re-awaken our true interconnected, compassionate natures.
Becoming Who You are Meant To Be
Your true essence is already here, buried under a lifetime of both genetic and life’s conditioning. Every so often, you catch a glimpse of your Buddha nature before it gets lost back under the care of daily living. Deep mindfulness practice helps you uncover and live from this true nature.
Plumbing the Depths
Flitting about from one responsibility to another
From one desire to the next
One never lounges long enough on any one flower
To feel the soft and nurturing comfort of its petals
Or to take in its sweet and unique fragrance
That leaves you feeling touched
By creative essence itself.
Stop. Sit. Watch. Listen.
Allow your awareness to seep deeply into this moment
Bowing deeply to each layer
As it steps forward to be seen, heard, and felt
Only to be replaced by the next
Miraculous and enlightening display.
The ever-changing landscape
Will continue to rise and set
Without resistance
Nor conclusion
As the seer and the seen
Become one.
-Ronya Banks