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Sunday Sangha – 16th February 2025

Gregory Kramer

This session is led by Gregory Kramer.

Start Time: 11 am PST (LA) / 2 pm EST (NY) / 7 pm GMT (London) / 8 pm CET (Paris). 90-minute live session.

This week’s theme: The Individual-Relational Dharma Paradox and Why it Matters to Your Life

Biologically, psychologically, and in common sense there is no doubt that the human experience is both intrinsically individual and intrinsically relational. Our bodies are separate. You will never directly know my inner universe. Also, our bodies evolved to relate. The brain is a relational organ. Our sense of safety and joy, suffering and inquiry, has relational roots.

And since the Dharma is about the nature of the human experience, the Path must be both intrinsically individual and intrinsically relational. Morality, wisdom practices, and even meditation will be most fitting when they reflect this conjoined individual and relational nature.

This session is freely-offered, but dana/donations are invited to help us meet our substantial running costs and to support our teachers. To donate, please click here. We appreciate your generosity 🙏

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Gregory Kramer

Gregory Kramer

Gregory Kramer is the Founder and Guiding Teacher of the Insight Dialogue Community, and has been teaching Insight Meditation since 1980. He developed the practice of Insight Dialogue and has been teaching it since 1995, offering retreats in North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. He has studied with esteemed teachers, including Anagarika Dhammadina, Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thero, Achan Sobin Namto, and Ven. Punnaji Maha Thero.

Gregory is the author of: Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom (2007), Seeding the Heart: Lovingkindness Practice with Children (1997), Meditating Together, Speaking from Silence: the Practice of Insight Dialogue (2003), and Dharma Contemplation: Meditating Together with Wisdom Texts (2011). His newest book is A Whole-Life Path: A Lay Buddhist’s Guide to Crafting a Dhamma-Infused Life (2020). Gregory lives in Washington State, in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Click here to learn more about Gregory Kramer.