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Morning Meditation Chants

Bodhissatva vows (Martin’s version):

Countless are living beings
I vow to row them all to the further shore

Countless are the poisons
I vow to purify them all

Countless are the teachings
I vow to understand them all

Countless are the blessings
I vow to bow my heart to them all

And though the road is endless
I vow to walk it to the very end

Yes though the road is endless
I vow to walk it to the very end

AUM Ah Hung Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hung
AUM Ah Hung Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hung

Other chants commonly used by Martin:

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma SamBuddhassa
Homage to the blessed one, the completely free one, the perfectly self awakened one

AUM Mani Padme Hoong
Literal translation: EVERYTHING JEWEL LOTUS YEAH. See Martin’s fuller explanations during the morning sessions, especially on December 15, 2020

Sabbe Ko Mangal Hai
Love to all

Other chants:

Homage To The Buddha (3 times)
Gratitude to and appreciation for Buddha’s Awakening, as an example for the potential of all beings to realise our true nature and know a liberated life.

Handa Mayaµ Buddhassa Bhagavato  Pubbabhaga Namakaraµ Karomase-
(Now let us chant the verses of homage to the Buddha)

Namo Tassa Bhagavato
Homage to the Incomparable, Blessed One

fully liberated

Perfectly Self-Awakened

Taking Refuge
Taking refuge in Awakening (Buddha), in seeing the nature of experience (Dharma) and in support and community (Sangha)

-Handa Mayaµ Tisaranagamanapatham Bhanamase-
(Now let is chant the verses of the three refuges)

Buddhaµ Saranaµ Gacchami
To the Buddha for Refuge we go

Dhammaµ Saranaµ Gacchami
To the Dharma for Refuge we go

Sanghaµ Saranaµ Gacchami
To the Sangha for Refuge we go

Dutiyampi Buddhaµ Saranaµ Gacchami
A second time, to the Buddha for Refuge we go

Dutiyampi Dhammaµ Saranaµ Gacchami
A second time, to the Dharma for Refuge we go

Dutiyampi Sanghaµ Saranaµ Gacchami
A second time, to the Sangha for Refuge we go

Tatiyampi Buddhaµ Saranaµ Gacchami
A third time, to the Buddha for Refuge we go

Tatiyampi Dhammaµ Saranaµ Gacchami
A third time, to the Dharma for Refuge we go

Tatiyampi Sanghaµ Saranaµ Gacchami
A third time, to the Sangha for Refuge we go

Bodhisattva Vows

Countless are living Beings – I vow to row them all to the further shore
Countless are the poisons – I vow to purify them all
Countless are the teachings – I vow to understand them all
Countless are the blessings – I vow to bow my heart to them all
And though the road is endless, I vow to walk it to the very end
Yes though the road is endless, I vow to walk it to the very end
AUM Ah Hung Vajra Guru Pemé Siddhi Hung (x3)