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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Nathan Glyde – Week of May 10, 2021

Nathan Glyde

Nathan Glyde

We’re fortunate that Nathan Glyde has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK. To find out more about Nathan, and to view his other contributions to Sangha Live, click here. Recordings are posted 24 – 36 hours after the live session runs.


This week’s theme is: Invitation to Awaken


The Buddha adopted a medical model to express the seminal and accessible four noble truths. We can see a diagnosis, a cause and symptoms, a cure, and a treatment. Namely dukkha (stress), taṇhā (thirsting), nibanna (freedom), and the noble eightfold path of release. This can be taken as a simple direction of how to understand and treat the human condition. It’s also an invitation into the depths and intricacies of the dharma.

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