In our troubled world dharma practitioners sometimes become earnest. But beings learn and develop through play, and to play we have to be fluid in mind, heart and body. Play fertilizes the human spirit and makes us feel a sense of belonging. Welcome to a session exploring dharma practice as original play and creativity.
With Leela Sarti recorded on September 13, 2020.
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The dangers of selfie mindfulness.
Recorded :
March 13, 2016 There is a growing tendency to imply or assume that all suffering is self-created. This is a naïve, even dangerous, view, removed from the middle way. The view ignores the teachings of non-self and the emptiness of self. Does self-inquiry, self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-interest and promotion of the Self promote self-indulgence? Is it any wonder that…
The Roots of Discouragement
Recorded :
September 12, 2021 Progress in meditation may be slower than we anticipate. Discouragement develops when the comparing mind holds unrealistic expectations, demands perfection, and craves for measurable progress, predictable results, or signposts of success. This talk explores the obstacle of discouragement and its roots in conceit and the comparing mind. To prevent discouragement, we develop skillful ways to…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Caverly Morgan – Week of March 30
We’re very grateful to have Caverly Morgan hosting our Daily Meditation Series for North America. To find out more about Caverly, and to view her past recordings and contributions to Sangha Live, click here. Monday, March 30 Recognizing ourselves as that which can offer blessings out into the world Wednesday, April 1 Being with what…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ulla Koenig – Week of October 23, 2023
This week’s theme is “Touched by Dukkha”. Living life involves being in touch with various experiences, some of which are challenging. These challenging experiences, referred to as ‘dukkha’ by the Buddha, inevitably stir the heart-mind. Our sensitive nature is touched by dukkha, manifesting in ripple effects like impulses, emotions, and thoughts. This week, we’ll explore together what the Buddha called the second noble truth, to understand how our reactions and responses to dukkha shape our lives.
Refuge and Resilience for Our Times
Recorded :
December 8, 2019 In this session, Kittisaro looks at some essential ways the Dharma can help us find refuge and resilience in our fast-changing world.
The Thing You Can Count On
Recorded :
January 23, 2022 In times like these with so much uncertainty, fear and suffering, how can we keep our center in a world that sometimes seems to be spinning out of control?
Cultivating Wise Energy
Recorded :
March 6, 2022 Everything we do in life depends on energy, but the modern world has a destructive and exploitative relationship with energy. What is wise, balanced energy in spiritual practice? How can we establish this in the face of societal pressure and norms, and how can it be a resource in our daily life?
The art of enquiry: how to explore experience for wisdom and liberation.
Recorded :
May 15, 2016 Dharma teachings and practices invite us to open up to our experience in order to see and understand its true nature. This class with Worldwide Insight guiding teacher Martin Aylward explores how we can inquire fruitfully, staying present and curious, without on the one hand getting lost in the story of our inner drama, and…