Scientists have documented some significant and measurable changes that occur as a result of meditation. But Buddhist practice is not limited to calm, pleasant, relaxing states of meditation. The liberating path includes a broad range of practices that produce a wide variety of benefits. We learn how we encounter the world of the senses; we unravel distortions of perception. We weaken defilements. We learn to let go. In this talk, Shaila Catherine points to the liberating potential of the path.
With Shaila Catherine recorded on December 15, 2019.
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This is, because that is
Recorded :
October 29, 2017 “This is, because that is. This is not, because that is not. This comes to be, because that comes to be. This ceases to be, because that ceases to be.” – The Buddha When conditions are sufficient things manifest. But if there aren’t enough conditions, things cannot yet manifest. How can we skilfully live in…
An Experience is Not The Point
Recorded :
May 13, 2018 A deep application of attention includes the sustained application to any important experience. This includes a vast range of happy or painful, spiritual or conventional experiences. There is the view of the experience and the experience. What is a fresh way to see an important experience? Does the view of the experience matter more than…
Dancing with the Devil – Coming Home in the Midst of our Emotional Storms
Recorded :
June 27, 2021 There is a big emphasis in our society on doing good and being right. But rather than trying harder, being perfect and becoming a “better person” what about embracing ourselves just as we are, with all of our emotions — with our light, and with our shadow? In this talk we explore an all-inclusive approach…
How awareness frees: Vitaka Vicara Viveka
Recorded :
January 21, 2018 Worldwide Insight Founding teacher Martin Aylward returns to lead his first class of the year. Martin looks at how different elements of attention can meet, explore and hold experience, allowing for insight, spaciousness and increasing freeness in the midst of experience.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of May 29 – June 2, 2023
Daily meditations with Martin Aylward.
The nature of experience. Part 3: Non Self Existence.
Recorded :
January 29, 2017 Today’s session is the third in a special run of three consecutive sessions with Martin, where he looks deeply at the nature of experience through Buddha’s profound descriptions of reality – Impermanence, Emptiness, Non self-existence. The classes point directly to how these themes can come alive in our practice and understanding, looking at the personal,…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of Nov 29, 2021
Daily meditations with Martin Aylward.
Buddha’s toolbox: a spectrum of skilful means.
Recorded :
June 28, 2015 In this class we explore the various ways to diffuse difficult emotions, see through mental patterns, re-direct our attention, and understand the nature of experience.