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Trust in the Goodness of your Practice

With Martin Aylward recorded on January 26, 2020.

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Basic goodness is the fundamental ground of your own heart and mind and being. A buoyant heart allows us to face the ‘infinite ocean of suffering’ and stay open-hearted; It is the foundation for living the Bodhisattva vows, it is how we keep on waking up and showing up and growing up, for the benefit of ourselves and others and the world that deeply needs our goodness to come forward.

In Martin’s first session of 2020 at Worldwide Insight (or Sangha Live as it was about to become), we explored together how our basic goodness gets inwardly undermined, how it can be reclaimed, and how nourishing it is to really find and feel and trust in the goodness of your practice.

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.

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