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The Deep Dharma for Daily Life

On-Demand Course

Available Now!

This Course is a Deep Exploration of the Goal, Deep Dharma for Daily Life

Spiritual teachings offer practices about the Way to the Goal.

These practices include mindfulness, meditation and reflection. The exploration of the path, the way and the various bridges point to the end of the Path.

There is little exploration of the Goal, of an unconditional freedom revealing wisdom and an abiding love. The knowing of the Goal reveals the highest happiness.

This course consists of a deep exploration of the Goal. Each module will fully engage in the integration of the consummation of the teachings into daily life.

You might think that the Goal is far away. The Goal of all spiritual practice might be much closer than you think.

The teachings will be presented in a clear and understandable language suitable for those deeply interested in the fulfilment of spiritual practice.

We spend much of our life living in costumed truth. All the practices, methods and metaphors of the way, the path and the goal belong to costumed truth.

The Goal (Truth, Nirvana, Freedom, God, Emptiness, Reality and many other names) finds its confirmation in discovery, in realisation.

A core purpose of the course is for each participant to have a ‘lightbulb moment.’ To discover the path to the deep dharma of daily life.

At the very least, I believe all participants will feel much closer to the Goal by the end of the four modules.

Module 1 – Freedom from Clinging

We cling to pleasure, forms, self and views. When faced with difficulties, how often do you want to retreat to where it is comfortable, pleasurable and nice?

In this module we’ll explore how clinging, holding on, or grasping is akin to putting more wood on the fire of difficulties.

Liberation means the end of clinging. It’s about seeing and knowing freedom in the midst of events.

Module 2 – Freedom and Truth

Freedom and Truth share the same element. Truth includes honesty, clarity of language and seeing what is. Freedom confirms the truth of things.

This module will ask the question: What is truth? What makes it significant? Christopher examines the Buddha’s ‘four noble truths’, explores how they could be alternatively translated as the “four truths of the noble ones”, and considers what this might mean.

We’ll also explore where you’re currently suffering. What are the causes and conditions of this suffering? What is the truth of those causes and conditions? How can seeing truth lead to an end to suffering?

Module 3 – Freedom and Love

Freedom and love both share a similar nature although, ultimately, freedom transcends love. There are no limits to freedom and no limits to love.

In this module, Christopher looks at the origins of the Brahma Vihara; how the Buddha, whilst opposed to the concept of a metaphysical God (or “Brahma”), cleverly incorporated the word into some of his teachings in order to garner acceptance from followers of the religions prevalent during his lifetime.

We’ll also be looking at metta – love, friendships and kindness.

Finally, Christopher will explore how, as the sun is free to shine when appears from behind the clouds, so our love is free to shine when we are free of obscurations.

Module 4 – Emptiness of I and My

In this final module, we’ll explore the emptiness of “I” and “my” as an indispensable daily reflection.

“I” and “my” is merely a convenient shorthand for feelings/mind/body/consciousness and a few experiences and items. Freedom is seeing the emptiness of such minimal considerations.

Considered one of the most difficult teachings, the Buddha used over 100 different words for describing emptiness. Christopher explores the negative impression we can sometimes have of emptiness, and offers alternative ways of understanding it.

We’ll look at how the concept of emptiness can help us to be less impressionable, and, ultimately, can help us see truth.

On-Demand Course Details

The Deep Dharma for Daily Life with Christopher Titmuss

10 Hours of video teachings

Filmed in high definition with only you in mind, having an intimate and personal feel that will keep you engaged as your body, mind and heart tune in.

Beyond Mindfulness with Dave Smith

Reflections for Daily Life

Christopher offers reflections and contemplations at the end of each session to support your integration of the material into your daily life.

Recorded Q&A Sessions

Videos of 4 recorded interactive sessions from a previous live release of the course are included.

30 Day Refund Guarantee

If you're unsatisfied with the course for any reason, please contact us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

About Christopher Titmuss

Christopher Titmuss, a senior Dharma teacher in the West, offers retreats, leads Zoom meetings in five time zones and supports social/global change. His teachings focus on ethics, insight meditation (vipassana), the expansive heart and enquiry into emptiness/liberation.

Poet, photographer, blogger and social critic, Christopher is the author of 22 books including Light on Enlightenment (1998), The Spiritual Roots of Mindfulness (2019) and The Political Buddha (2018). He is also the founder of the Mindfulness Teacher Training Course.

More than 1000 of Christopher’s talks/inquiry sessions and guided meditations are freely available online. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England. Click here to learn more about Christopher Titmuss.