Work, sex, and money are the three most charged areas of everyday living; so much so that working with their potency is often overlooked, especially in the monastic traditions.
My own early practice was an ascetic one; I spent some years in Asian monasteries and Himalayan hermitages in intensive meditation, and have great respect for these traditions. When I became a husband, father and householder, I was forced to face work, sex and money, and my hang ups with them, head on.
I’ve learned that our complicated relationships to work, sex and money are the shorthand for both the challenge and the fullness of spiritual, contemporary living. In the 21st century, finding liberation in everyday life isn’t easy or straightforward. By consciously investigating these areas, our desires, egos, and attachments are brightly illuminated.
Through independent, self-paced study, you’ll deepen your understanding of your mind’s conditioning. How do you push, pull, shut down, or get contracted, confused, or stuck in regards to work, sex, and money? How can you use this information for personal growth?