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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Kaira Jewel Lingo – Week of June 1

Kaira Jewel Lingo

Kaira Jewel Lingo

We’re fortunate that Kaira Jewel Lingo has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. Links mentioned during these sessions can be found at the bottom of this page. To find out more about Kaira Jewel, and view her other recordings on the platform, click here.


The Eight Worldly Winds

June 1, 2020

Healing our hurt

June 2, 2020

Meeting the pain of current events with compassion

June 3, 2020

Challenges and difficult decisions

June 4, 2020

Radiant and whole

June 5, 2020

Links and resources from this week’s sessions

Monday June 1st

75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice

Tuesday June 2nd

When Savoring a Pleasant Moment Is a Radical Act

Kuan Yin’s Prayer for the Abuser (author unknown)
To those who withhold refuge,
I cradle you in safety at the core of my Being.
To those who cause a child to cry out,
I grant you the freedom to express your own choked agony.
To those who inflict terror,
I remind you that you shine with the purity of a thousand suns.
To those who would confine, suppress, or deny,
I offer the limitless expanse of the sky.
To those who need to cut, slash, or burn,
I remind you of the invincibility of Spring.
To those who cling and grasp,
I promise more abundance than you could ever hold onto.
To those who vent their rage on small children,
I return to you your deepest innocence.
To those who must frighten into submission,
I hold you in the bosom of your original mother.
To those who cause agony to others,
I give the gift of free flowing tears.
To those who deny another’s right to be,
I remind you that the angels sang in celebration of you on the day of your birth.
To those who see only division and separateness,
I remind you that a part is born only by bisecting a whole.
For those who have forgotten the tender mercy of a mother’s embrace,
I send a gentle breeze to caress your brow.
To those who still feel somehow incomplete,
I offer the perfect sanctity of this very moment.

–gratitude to Celia Landman for sharing this in an email

Quote from the Jack Kornfield meditation: “The Sufi say, “Overcome any bitterness because you were not up to the magnitude of the pain that was entrusted to you. Like the mother of the world who carries the pain of the world in her heart, we are each endowed with a certain measure of that cosmic pain, and are called upon to meet it in compassion instead of self-pity.”

Audio of Jack Kornfield’s meditation, Compassion in the Time of Coronavirus

21 month old drummer prodigy

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