Before this live session, Nina wrote: “I want to share a mindfulness technique this Sunday that’s particularly alive in my life right now. As a new mother I’ve experienced an increase in planning, anticipating, worrying, and fear. Before the birth of my daughter a few months ago I read a book by Karen Maezen Miller, “Momma Zen”. In it she described how over and over she would watch expectations, plans, and worries arise. At times she would become overwhelmed with them and at other times, with more equanimity, would surrender to them, thus decreasing her suffering.
“On Sunday I will share with you a practice for observing the ‘internal subjective’ experience of self. We will take a tour and bring mindful awareness to our mental talk, mental images, and emotional body sensations. These are the spaces where future oriented thoughts and related feelings arise. We will practice bringing concentration, sensory clarity, and equanimity to these experiences so we can ride their wave instead of having it crash down on top of us. Join me in this fun exploration of transcending the subjective experience of self!”