These pandemic times with isolation, suffering, social and political divisiveness and an uncertain future our lives are filled with even more challenges than usual. At the same time many hearts are opening with increased compassion, connection and possibilities on the horizon. The mind can easily get contracted by the stress or grasping at hope. But our Dharma practice shows us we have a choice how to wisely relate to our experience. This is what we will explore in our time together.
With James Baraz recorded on January 17, 2021.
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The Thing You Can Count On
Recorded :
January 23, 2022 In times like these with so much uncertainty, fear and suffering, how can we keep our center in a world that sometimes seems to be spinning out of control?
Dancing with the Devil – Coming Home in the Midst of our Emotional Storms
Recorded :
June 27, 2021 There is a big emphasis in our society on doing good and being right. But rather than trying harder, being perfect and becoming a “better person” what about embracing ourselves just as we are, with all of our emotions — with our light, and with our shadow? In this talk we explore an all-inclusive approach…
The Art of Being: Cultivating Presence in Troubled Times
Recorded :
February 3, 2019 There is a power in simply being here now. In times of trouble, the ability to be radically present might have more to offer than we think. Join Lama Willa as she explores this topic in this session.
Warrior heart: transforming anger into strength, dynamism and creativity
Recorded :
October 8, 2017 Dharma teachings point to how dangerous and destructive anger is, and how words and actions can cause great suffering. This class looks at skilful means for meeting and exploring anger, and for understanding and transforming it. Martin leads a specially oriented meditation, and his talk explores the inner strength and confidence which can arise from…
The Spectrum of Awareness Practices
Recorded :
February 2, 2020 This session will explore different ways in which attention works and associated meditation practices: from focused awareness, to flexible awareness, to natural awareness. We’ll do a number of fun experiential practices in hopes of understanding a variety of ways to meditate and how we can refine our own practice. Diana draws from her latest…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of June 8
We’re fortunate that Martin Aylward has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. Links mentioned during these sessions can be found at the bottom of this page. To find out more about Martin, and view his other recordings on the platform, click here. Due to temporary circumstances…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ayala Gill – Week of December 11, 2023
This week’s topic is “Embracing challenging emotions”. There are no negative emotions, only ones that we find challenging to embrace, like anxiety, anger, grief and fear. When we relate to them in distorted ways, their expression is indeed negative. Over this week (at a time of year where they may be particularly triggered!) we will explore how to come into a sacred relationship with each of these challenging emotions.
Consuming the Chaos: Exploring Surviving Suffering in a World of Suffering
Recorded :
March 28, 2021 Buddhadharma is a system of profound wisdom that helps us to tell the truth about our lives. It helps us to consume the chaos of the world we are struggling through by reminding us of the spaciousness that is always inherently present in and around anything we experience as suffering. When we connect to this…