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The Dharma on the front lines: how to work with conflict.

With Stephen Fulder recorded on February 26, 2017.

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Peace sometimes feels impossible to find. It is there for a while then something happens and conflict or friction returns. It may be conflict with ourselves, in relationships to people close to us, at our work place, or between social groups. Often we can feel despaired that despite much dharma practice and meditation, conflict keeps arising. Further, we are living at a time when conflict and insecurity are on the rise, and we need new ways of dealing with it. Those of us who are active socially often find that it is an exhausting and endless struggle for which we do not have the strength and persistence.

Practices and teachings derived from Buddhism, the dharma, offer a deep understanding of how conflict or peace arises in us and others, how it is sustained and how it can be dissolved. Stephen has been using these ways in leading peace work in the Middle East for many years.

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


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