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The Procurement of Kindness and Sanity

With Jill Satterfield recorded on April 26, 2020.

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Jill writes: “We all possess the capacity to be very aware of our internal landscapes of body, heart and mind. And fortunately, with practice, we can tend to what we see, feel and know as it all arises in the moment, rather than days, months or decades later. It sure saves a lot of pain when we can attend to ourselves more at the time or shortly thereafter.

I know I’m not enlightened yet, and I also know that thanks to my practices I am more resilient, flexible, emotionally intelligent, and have the ability to turn faster on dimes than I used to even five years ago. These are small enlightened moments some would say.”

Join Jill to find out how practice can help us to better cope with life’s ups and downs.

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.

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