Dharma teachings point to how dangerous and destructive anger is, and how words and actions can cause great suffering. This class looks at skilful means for meeting and exploring anger, and for understanding and transforming it. Martin leads a specially oriented meditation, and his talk explores the inner strength and confidence which can arise from being skilful with anger.
With Martin Aylward recorded on October 8, 2017.
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Christopher Titmuss – Week of June 6, 2022
This week’s theme is: From Mindfulness to Clear Seeing. Clear seeing includes the past, present and future. Clear seeing includes dependent arising conditions for all three fields, so we do not become dependent on the present moment to realise the timeless. A timeless, limitless liberation embraces all three fields of time. Teachings this week will include the immense value and the limits of the here and now.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Nathan Glyde and Martin Aylward – Week of October 26, 2020
With Martin Aylward and Nathan Glyde
Celebrating earth day: calling all Eco-Sattvas.
Recorded :
April 23, 2017 With Earth Day here, James reflects on the preciousness and generosity of our wonderful planet, the current situation of climate change and how our Dharma practice can help us transform despair into meaningful and inspiring action.
Belonging: The Dharma as a Journey to Connectedness
Recorded :
July 10, 2022 Behavioral scientists have long known that human beings are wired for connection. But recent studies show that in the wake of the social isolation imposed by the Covid crisis, the world is experiencing a spike in loneliness. In such times of isolation — physical or felt — how can meditation help? What do the Buddha’s…
Wise Acceptance
Recorded :
May 6, 2018 What is the importance of acceptance and allowing in developing a wise relationship to our practice and our lives? We often try to find a one size fits all approach but like all dynamic things in life we need to be selective about when we use these approaches and understand when they are effective. This…
What is this?
Recorded :
October 11, 2015 In this session Martine leads a guided meditation on the question “What is this?”, and then explores this questioning practice as a means to encounter each moment with awareness and as a means of developing a stable and open heart.
Visions of a free life
Recorded :
July 16, 2017 Freedom is a central concern of all our lives, yet has many different manifestations, some of which run completely contrary to others. This class will explores the importance of social freedoms, inner freedom, personal and collective freedoms. We explore how different perspectives on free-ness shape how we practice; and how we understand life and our…
How Does Meditation Support the Path of Awakening?
Recorded :
December 15, 2019 Scientists have documented some significant and measurable changes that occur as a result of meditation. But Buddhist practice is not limited to calm, pleasant, relaxing states of meditation. The liberating path includes a broad range of practices that produce a wide variety of benefits. We learn how we encounter the world of the senses; we…