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Day of Practice

Saturday, February 17th

A Body of Kindness

with Jill Satterfield

7-10am PT / 10am-1pm ET / 3-6pm GMT / 4-7pm CET

Discover the heart-opening power of embodied mindfulness with Jill Satterfield

Attuned to the world around us and all that’s going on within us, our bodies are sensing it all – often before the conscious mind has a chance to catch up.

Developing our somatic awareness can awaken us to the body’s wisdom and intuition, giving us the pause we need to reflect and respond rather than react. Reaction leads to suffering, but response opens us to compassion and alignment.

As we attune to tightening and contracting in the body/mind, we understand how the body expresses clinging or ways of saying “No.”

As we equally notice softening and letting go in the body, we understand its way of saying “Yes, I can be with what is.”

Much of this practice is noticing with active discernment. The advantages of being embodied offer the skilful means to make conscious choices. This will be the focus of a Day of Practice with world-renowned Buddhist teacher, Jill Satterfield.

Drawing from the principles of Ahimsa (non-harming), Vipassana (insight), Nama Rupa (union of mind and body), and somatic psychology, together we’ll practice witnessing the elegant and articulate nuanced states of a body expressing a heart/mind.

Join this *Live* 3-hour workshop to explore:

  • Mindfulness practices to cultivate the Four Divine Abodes
  • Meditation practices counteract negativity and reactivity
  • Breathing practices to balance the nervous system
  • Imagination to evoke states of love and kindness

What is Day of Practice?

Sangha Live’s 3-hour, LIVE Day of Practice allows for you to drop in deeper, develop your meditation skills, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.

Days of Practice includes longer periods of meditation, interspersed with wise teachings, an interactive Q&A with our teacher, and more.

Replay access will be available to all registrants within 48 hours of the live session.

How is Day of Practice different from Sangha Live’s Daily/Sunday classes?

Our shorter Daily Meditation (60 mins) and Sunday Sangha (90 mins) programs emphasize dharma teachings, while our longer Days of Practice (3 hours) emphasize development of meditation practice.

Daily practice is crucial for watering seeds of mindfulness, but extended periods of deep attention such as these, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, can be uniquely fruitful.


Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis, with a suggested rate of $35. We wholeheartedly welcome all to practice with us; no one turned away for lack of funds.


Please email us at

About Jill Satterfield

Jill Satterfield

Jill Satterfield has been a quiet pioneer in the integration of embodied awareness practices and Buddhist teachings for over 30 years.

Her heart/mind and body approach developed from somatic and contemplative psychology, 35 years of Buddhist study, extensive meditation retreat time and decades of living with chronic pain.

At the invitation of her primary teacher, Ajahn Amaro, Jill was the first to offer mindful movement and somatic practices on silent retreats first at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and then the Insight Meditation Society 30 years ago. She has since developed teacher trainings and mentoring programs that integrate embodied awareness with Dharma ever since.

In addition to teaching embodiment and Dharma with Ajahn Amaro, she was also invited to teach on Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s retreats in the US and Nepal. It was at his urging that she teach subtle body practices to his students. She contributed movement practices to his brother Mingyur Rinpoche’s retreats and was a consultant for his 2 best-selling books.

Jill’s Applied Embodied Mindfulness Trainings were part of UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center. She was on the faculty for Spirit Rock’s Mindful Yoga and Meditation Training, and she is currently a mentor for Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Teacher Training, was the scholar and teacher in residence at Kripalu Center in 2003 and is a graduate of the Sati Center’s Buddhist Chaplaincy Training.

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