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Day of Practice

Saturday, February 3rd

Always Awake, Already Free:
Exploring Effortless Awareness
and Natural Meditation

with Martin Aylward

7-10am PT / 10am-1pm ET / 3-6pm GMT / 4-7pm CET

Learn to rest into the already here quality as the basis for all experience

While meditation practice is sometimes described in terms of a mind-training, perfected through effort and diligence, it is equally spoken of in terms of natural ease and effortless awareness, a process of relaxing into a ’natural great perfection’.

Take this poem by the notorious Zen scallywag, Ryokan:

Too lazy to be ambitious
I let the world take care of itself.
Ten days worth of rice in my bag
A bundle of twigs by the fireplace

Why chatter about delusion and enlightenment
Listening to the night rain on my roof
I sit comfortably
With both legs stretched out

Or the opening lines from Lama Gendun’s famous vajra song, “Free and Easy”:

Happiness cannot be found
Through great effort and willpower
But is already present
In open relaxation and letting go.

This Day of Practice will be an invitation into these qualities of natural ease. We will explore dimensions of relaxation and their profoundly healing qualities, as well as that which inhibits or prevents us from truly being at ease.

Join this session to receive guided meditations in both sitting and lying postures, as well as teachings and practices for:

  • Cultivating relaxation and ease
  • Trusting in natural awareness
  • Seeing beyond a life of ‘problems’

What is Day of Practice?

Sangha Live’s 3-hour, LIVE Day of Practice allows for you to drop in deeper, develop your meditation skills, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.

Days of Practice includes longer periods of meditation, interspersed with wise teachings, an interactive Q&A with our teacher, and more.

Replay access will be available to all registrants within 48 hours of the live session.

How is Day of Practice different from Sangha Live’s Daily/Sunday classes?

Our shorter Daily Meditation (60 mins) and Sunday Sangha (90 mins) programs emphasize dharma teachings, while our longer Days of Practice (3 hours) emphasize development of meditation practice.

Daily practice is crucial for watering seeds of mindfulness, but extended periods of deep attention such as these, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, can be uniquely fruitful.


Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis, with a suggested rate of $35. We wholeheartedly welcome all to practice with us; no one turned away for lack of funds.


Please email us at

About Martin Aylward

photo of Martin Aylward smiling

Martin Aylward is the founding teacher of Sangha Live. After spending his early adult years in Asian monasteries and with Himalayan hermits, Martin settled in Southern France with his wife Gail and their 2 children, co-founding the Moulin de Chaves retreat centre where he lives and teaches.

Martin teaches meditation, guides students and leads retreats internationally, emphasising the integration of the deepest wisdom teachings into the midst of the lives we live. He is also a director of the Mindfulness Training Institute. Martin’s book Awake Where You Are: The Art of Embodied Awareness (2021) is now available via Wisdom Publications. Click here to learn more about Martin Aylward.

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