It’s difficult to respond to the reality of our unjust, burning world. It can feel easier to numb out, bringing the risk of our unwitting collusion with the systems that create suffering.
Yet, as practitioners, we know that staying present to reality is the heart of dharma. So how do we respond skillfully to an unjust world without losing ourselves in despair, distraction, or the delusion of individualism?
Join Milla Gregor for a powerful Day of Practice, where we’ll explore ways to stay grounded and awake as we respond to the world’s climate, justice and ecological crises.
Milla will share ideas and practices from the dharma and elsewhere that can support us in turning away from turning away – and towards responsiveness, solidarity and action.
We’ll start with an introduction and some reflection on these themes, before exploring a few of them in more depth through journalling, discussion and playing some dharma games together. We can usefully approach even serious topics with lightness and curiosity, taking refuge in the support and wisdom of our community.