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The Power of Reflection: One Thing Leads to Another

Live Online Course

February 16th, 2025 - March 9th, 2025

What if the answers you seek are already within you, waiting to be revealed?

We are faced with major challenges every day. Conflict, self-doubt and a troubled world express three of the issues affecting our daily lives.

As human beings, we are an interactive presentation of five primary compositions, namely body, feeling tones, perceptions, thoughts and consciousness.

All five are mutually supportive and dependent on each other for their arising, staying and passing. And together, they coalesce into the unfolding of our experience.

But it’s important not to confuse the endless stream of thoughts with the meaningful insights found through reflection with meditation. True reflection is more than thinking; it is a purposeful practice that brings clarity to the conditions shaping our experience.

Overthinking is pointless, while mindful reflection is a step towards liberation.

In this guided journey back to ourselves, Christopher Titmuss – a senior Dharma teacher, author, and former Buddhist monk – invites us to discover the art of reflection, where skillful inquiry (alone or with others) reveals the conditions that create suffering and the pathways to dissolve it.

In our 4 weeks together – through live dharma talks, mindful meditation practice, and interactive inquiry – we’ll explore how reflection illuminates the root causes of the challenges we face, and creates space for growth and inner freedom.

The Power of Reflection with Christopher Titmuss

Join Christopher on this month-long journey to:

  • Learn how reflection and meditation work in harmony to deepen receptivity to insights within, from others, and from life around us
  • Cultivate a deeper connection to know and apply clarity and wisdom
  • Stop “feeding the weeds” in your mind, fostering more love, resilience, and compassion
  • Recognise and release patterns of suffering
  • Approach life’s ups and downs in a purposeful way

Module 1: Opening to Clarity and Purpose

Reflection without meditation can result in lots of (over)thinking.

In our first week together, we’ll explore the difference between thinking and reflecting.

Christopher will guide us in the practice of mindful, skillful inquiry to illuminate the unfolding of inner and outer experience.

Module 2: Key Points to Going Deep

Meditation without reflection can inhibit the opportunity for insight, keeping us stuck in a shallow level of calmness or equanimity.

In our second module, we’ll inquire into the themes and questions that support our practice in moving forward.

Together we will explore what and how to reflect on to lead us onwards towards greater insight and liberation.

Module 3: Four Conditions of Suffering

Recurring problems or patterns often stem from the same root causes, reinforcing patterns of dissatisfaction and struggle.

In our third week together, we’ll name and reflect on four primary conditions that perpetuate suffering – and learn practices and techniques for dissolving each.

Christopher will invite participants to share their stories with the group, fostering a rich atmosphere of inquiry and support.

Module 4: Finding Freedom Through Love and Wisdom

All problems dissolve through waking up with an end to “feeding the weeds” of unhelpful thoughts and behaviour.

In our final session, we’ll reflect on the power of love and wisdom to clear the mind and dissolve suffering, creating the conditions for authentic freedom.

Together, we’ll inquire into two essential questions:

Are you free to let go of the unhealthy and unhelpful?

Can you know love and a liberating wisdom to transcend conflict?

Praise for Christopher's Teachings

“Thank you, Christopher, for your whispers and profound explanations of our mere existence. It’s an enormous space that is obscured by the distractions of the world in which we live.”

“Thank you for your words and imagery on the timeless conveyed enthusiastically, that do give me confidence to continue on this spiritual journey with curiosity and awakens awe.”

“Thank you Christopher for being the vital background. And sangha. What a glorious way to start the day!”

Live Online Course Details

Live Interactive Sessions

Christopher will lead our weekly Sunday sessions. Each session will include an insightful dharma talk, guided group practice, and an open forum for students to ask questions and receive support.

Community Connections

Your journey will be in community with other practitioners around the world via our interactive course platform. As you move through each module, course guides will facilitate discussions, answer questions, and provide resources and support. Every Sunday, you will come together with other participants in real time to practice together and share your experiences.

Weekly Reflections

Throughout the course, Christopher will offer reflection prompts and practices to bring awareness to each week's teachings. Participants will be encouraged to engage in journaling and self-inquiry practices daily (or as often as you can) during the month, and time will be given each week to share experiences and insights with the group.

Profile Photo Of Christopher Titmuss

Lifetime Access

All teachings, meditations and Q&A's will be recorded, published and archived on our interactive course platform. Video recordings will be permanently available for you to come back to as many times as you like in the future.


Photo - Alarm Clock - Schedule

Dates & Times

Module 1: Sunday, Feb 16, 2025 9:00 am PST / 12:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm GMT / 6:00 pm CET (90 mins)

Module 2: Sunday, Feb 23, 2025 9:00 am PST / 12:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm GMT / 6:00 pm CET (90 mins)

Module 3: Sunday, Mar 2, 2025 9:00 am PST / 12:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm GMT / 6:00 pm CET (90 mins)

Module 4: Sunday, Mar 9, 2025 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT / 5:00 pm GMT / 6:00 pm CET (90 mins)

Replays will be posted in the days afterwards for those who cannot attend live.

About Christopher Titmuss

Christopher Titmuss, a senior Dharma teacher in the West, offers retreats, leads Zoom meetings and supports social/global change. His teachings focus on ethics, insight meditation (vipassana), the expansive heart and enquiry into emptiness/liberation.

Poet, blogger and social critic, Christopher is the author of 23 books including Light on Enlightenment (1998), The Spiritual Roots of Mindfulness (2019) and The Political Buddha (2018). He is also the founder of the 12-month online Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC) with professional accreditation.

More than 1000 of Christopher’s talks/inquiry sessions and guided meditations are freely available online. He lives in Totnes, Devon, England. Click here to learn more about Christopher Titmuss.