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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ulla Koenig – Week of September 18, 2023

Ulla Koenig

Ulla Koenig

We’re fortunate that Ulla Koenig has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK. To find out more about Ulla, and to view her other contributions to Sangha Live, click here. Recordings will be posted by the end of the day of the live session.


This week’s theme is “Understanding Suffering”


Dukkha, often translated as suffering, is a central concept in the Buddha’s teachings. This has led some to view Buddhism as adopting a negative outlook on life. But is this true? Why did the Buddha emphasise suffering (dukkha) and what does he mean by this concept? This week of practice we will take an in-depth look into the first noble truth around dukkha. This exploration can help us cultivate compassion, as well as extending it to the larger community. It can free us from feelings of shame and a sense of failure, and bring a fresh perspective on our practice.

Four Ennobling Truths

September 18, 2023

Different Flavours of Dukkha

September 19, 2023

Meeting Suffering Ennobles

September 20, 2023

Gently Meeting Suffering

September 21, 2023

Suffering and the Self

September 22, 2023

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