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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Zohar Lavie – Week of December 12, 2022

Zohar Lavie

Zohar Lavie

We’re fortunate that Zohar Lavie has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions this week. To find out more about Zohar, and to view her other contributions to Sangha Live, click here. Recordings will be posted by the end of the day of the live session.


This week’s topic is “Interwoven and Free


The Buddha invited us to investigate our experience moment by moment. One of the key things we uncover as we do this is that separation is an illusion, and that we are deeply interwoven and interconnected with all beings and all things. This week we will disentangle the habitual knots of isolation and ignorance and open to the freedom available as we open our exploration of inter-being.


“Love tells me I’m everything. Wisdom tells me I’m everything else.” -Nisagadatta Maharaj, translated by Stephen Levine

Interconnection in this moment

December 12, 2022

The joy of interconnection; giving and receiving through the breath

December 13, 2022

Separation is dukkha

December 14, 2022

Expansive and free

December 15, 2022

Expanding our sense of belonging

December 16, 2022

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