When the mind is both bright and still, it sees things that are usually hidden to it. And there are things it does not see. And there can be apprehensions that change everything, and those that change little. Gregory will speak about meditative insight, deep personal and cultural conditioning, and other things about which he knows too little. He asks in advance for your forgiveness.
With Gregory Kramer recorded on April 23, 2023.
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Expanding our Understanding of Loving Kindness Practice
Recorded :
October 29, 2023 Many of us have habitual ways of practicing loving kindness (metta), Some of us love loving kindness practice, and others find kindness practice difficult, or merely routine. Join Diana to explore a more expansive approach to loving kindness where we learn at least three different types of kindness practice. We’ll discover the roots of these…
Welcoming the Beyond
Recorded :
February 9, 2020 What is beyond the ordinary mind? What is beyond thought? How can we access a consciousness that is open, free and limitless? How can we dive into the ocean instead of being tossed by the waves? The dharma is in its essence a spiritual journey and the character of the path is to meet, engage…
The role of the intoxicants (asavas) in driving suffering and allowing release.
Recorded :
November 1, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Greg Kramer: “The Role of the Intoxicants (Asavas) in Driving Suffering and Allowing Release”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
The Beauty of Being
Recorded :
May 27, 2018 Leela says: “Over the years my interest in awakening has be reformulated as how to be a real human being. In this session I invite you to explore, with me, the possibility of being grounded in the natural goodness of being. We will inquire how to live a full life from the ground of presence,…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Miles Kessler – Week of July 29, 2024
This week’s topic is “Cutting Through To Ultimate Reality”. The word “Dhamma” means ultimate reality, the absolute, or universal principles. This refers to the 3 universal characteristics of conditioned phenomena, and to Nibbana, the unconditioned. In this week of practice we will explore how insight into the Dhamma arises in meditation, and get practical instructions to cultivate the conditions for “Cutting Through To Ultimate Reality”.
Uncertainty, Stability & Love: Everything Comes With Everything
Recorded :
May 12, 2024 Life is never only good or only bad, pleasant or unpleasant, comfortable or uncomfortable, just or unjust. Cultivating a wide spacious perspective within the reality of uncertainty gives rise to a bigger capacity to meet our lives more gently, kindly, and clearly, with more stability and more love. Join us as we explore perspectives and practices to…
The Power of a New Year’s Resolution
Recorded :
January 5, 2020 We start a new year. It is 2020. Perhaps the intensity of environmental dramas in 2019 finally made clear to many people the vulnerabilities to life on Earth. It might be useful to make a New Year’s resolution that lasts longer than a week. Here are four considerations. 1. Dedicate an hour a day or…
Being gracious with suffering.
Recorded :
June 14, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Martin Aylward: “Being Gracious with Suffering”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.