Sympathetic Joy (mudita) is one of the four noble qualities recommended by the Buddha on the path of awakening. Such joy arises from appreciating the good fortune of self and others.
With Martine Batchelor recorded on February 14, 2016.
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of April 6
We’re fortunate that Martin Aywlard has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK. To find out more about Martin, and to view his other contributions to Sangha Live, click here. View the text for the daily chants Martin offers this week Monday, April 6 Wednesday, April 8 Demands, defences…
Working with Stress and Fear
Recorded :
July 17, 2022 Not all stress is bad. Yet without mindful awareness, anticipatory stress may spiral into reactivity, paralyzing fear and suffering. How do we meet this stress mindfully, use it skilfully, then let go?
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ayala Gill – Week of December 11, 2023
This week’s topic is “Embracing challenging emotions”. There are no negative emotions, only ones that we find challenging to embrace, like anxiety, anger, grief and fear. When we relate to them in distorted ways, their expression is indeed negative. Over this week (at a time of year where they may be particularly triggered!) we will explore how to come into a sacred relationship with each of these challenging emotions.
Not Knowing as an Active Practice
Recorded :
April 18, 2021 We sometimes think of not knowing as something negative, but is it really? Truly not-knowing allows spaciousness, openness, and much greater intimacy. When we make not-knowing an intentional action, the barriers that hold us back from true intimacy begin to dissolve, offering much deeper connection with each other, and with the entire universe.
Understanding Our Mind: Healing Blocks of Suffering in the Individual and Collective Consciousness
Recorded :
January 12, 2020 Drawing on Thich Nhat Hanh’s teaching on the different layers of consciousness, we will explore the nature of the seeds that sleep in the depths of our mind. We can each learn to be skillful gardeners of our own and others’ minds, watering the wholesome seeds and skillfully caring for the unwholesome ones. As we…
From conditioned perception to true and free seeing
Recorded :
September 2, 2018 What do we call reality? How can we free ourselves from conditioned vision and taste life more fully and truly? Acknowledging that our perception of what we call reality is completely subjective, Christine explores the world of perception to find out what is conditioning our vision. Each one of us has been often surprised, deceived…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Miles Kessler – Week of June 24, 2024
This week’s topic is “Let Come, Let Go, Let Be, Let Grow – Practicing the 4 Noble Truths”. Join Miles in this exploration of the Buddha’s 4 Noble Truths. Over 5 days you will gain insight into how the 4 Noble truths unfold in your practice and in your life. You will learn how these 4 practices unlock your true nature, allowing it to grow and flourish in your life.
The Energy of Presence
Recorded :
March 12, 2023 This session explores ways that qigong, a Chinese energy cultivation practice, can deepen our embodied presence. There is discussion, intention-led movement and meditation to help ground our awareness, free up blockages and discover ways to open to our natural vitality. All levels of experience and abilities welcome, and options for limited mobility and seated qigong are shared.