The Buddha talked about eight qualities of one who has transformed insight into a power. We examine these eight and apply introspection to assess where we are on the path to awakening and what is needed for completion.
With Pannavati Bikkhuni recorded on February 21, 2016.
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The Gratification, The Danger and The Escape
Recorded :
September 23, 2018 The triad of gratification, danger, and escape is one of the Buddha’s most concise and simple teachings for investigating everyday lived experience. This formula can be applied to every single aspect of our experience. Many Buddhist scholars point out that this teaching contains the earliest roots of what we have come to know as the…
Asking Better Questions
Recorded :
December 13, 2020 In this session author and communication trainer Oren Jay Sofer offered guidance and reflections on how to approach difficult situations like stress from the pandemic and conflict with family with more skill, clarity and compassion. (Please note that this live stream experienced some technical difficulties, so the recording has been edited accordingly.)
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of February 15, 2021
We’re fortunate that Martin Aylward has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. To find out more about Martin, and view his other recordings on the platform, click here.
When in doubt breathe out: the power of the breath to ease pain and other contracted states.
Recorded :
April 16, 2017 In this talk Vidyamala discusses how most of us hold the breath whenever we are in pain or other difficult states. She leads a ‘whole body’ breathing meditation followed by input on how to rest in the flow of the breath as a way to learn to rest in the flow of life and let…
The Art of Being: Cultivating Presence in Troubled Times
Recorded :
February 3, 2019 There is a power in simply being here now. In times of trouble, the ability to be radically present might have more to offer than we think. Join Lama Willa as she explores this topic in this session.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Caverly Morgan – Week of April 27
We’re fortunate that Kaira Jewel Lingo has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. Links mentioned during these sessions can be found at the bottom of this page. To find out more about Kaira Jewel, and view her other recordings on the platform, click here. Monday, May…
Feeling Tone as a Door to Awareness, Compassion and Wisdom
Recorded :
November 24, 2024 In this practice related talk, we will explore the profound concept of “Feeling Tone or Vedena” and how it serves as a gateway to deeper awareness, compassion, and wisdom in our lives. Feeling Tone, often referred to as the raw and immediate tonality of our experiences, holds the key to unlocking a more profound connection…
Can love reveal ultimate reality?
Recorded :
December 19, 2021 We know the cost to the reality of life through deprivation of love.
Science has eliminated love from its analysis of reality.
We cannot know ultimate reality though highlighting the mind and dismissing the heart or vice-versa.
The Buddha made frequent reference to metta with its three-fold application of deep love, kindness or friendship.
This talk will explore the relationship of love to ultimate reality.