A river of presence flows through all of life, connecting us with ourselves and each other and the essence of living. In this session, let’s open to a direct experience of this clear, wakeful presence. The practice of embodied, mindful meditation opens the possibility to understand and transform our habits of dissatisfaction and distraction and invites spaciousness and openness into our day-to-day lives. Becoming intimate, moment by moment, with living reality expands our life-perspective and attunes us to what really matters in life. In this session Leela would like to explore with you mind-heart-body fullness and the possibility to unwind our physical and mental contractions, and the unveiling of our innate capacities for joy, freedom and contentment.
With Leela Sarti recorded on January 27, 2019.
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The First Duty of Love is to Listen
Recorded :
February 10, 2019 What is meditation and everyday life mindfulness practice but listening? True listening is neutral, non-judgemental, welcoming and silent. It’s a window to a larger vision and freedom, which gets us out of the narrow jail of self and creates an intimacy with life in which we feel more alive and loving. Join Christelle to explore…
Nature Awareness Practice in the Anthropocene
Recorded :
February 6, 2022 For many people, the natural world is a perennial place of refuge, resource and replenishment. It can be a profound support for bringing awareness into the outdoors. Yet, nature is under increasingly under siege. During this session we’ll explore how we can still take refuge in the natural world as a support for our well-being,…
Not Knowing is Most Intimate
Recorded :
November 19, 2023 The Buddha spoke often about the danger of clinging to views and opinions. He recommended we avoid clinging, even to the dharma and to “right view.” In a world increasingly torn apart by our adherence to differing viewpoints, how do we navigate the tension between knowing and not knowing? Our exploration will draw from the…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Kaira Jewel Lingo – Week of May 11
We’re fortunate that Kaira Jewel Lingo has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. Links mentioned during these sessions can be found at the bottom of this page. To find out more about Kaira Jewel, and view her other recordings on the platform, click here. Monday, May…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Kaira Jewel Lingo – Week of July 13
We’re fortunate that Kaira Jewel Lingo has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. Links mentioned during these sessions can be found at the bottom of this page. To find out more about Kaira Jewel, and view her other recordings on the platform, click here. Monday, July…
Sitting With Our Ancestors
Recorded :
December 18, 2022 In times of struggle we can always call on the ancestors. Our affinity ones are just as important as our biological ones. The Buddhist path is full of affinity beings who inspire us. Join me in remembering those who have gone before us, and paved the path of freedom and liberation.
As wide as life and as open as space: practicing inclusivity.
Recorded :
March 22, 2015 As we get familiar with the practice of meditation and the language of Dharma teachings, we can find ourselves getting comfortable, even complacent. Yet our practice in many ways is designed to make us uncomfortable! Designed to keep us open to ambiguity and uncertainty, to invite us to question and explore rather than to settle…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Zohar Lavie – Week of July 12, 2021
This week’s theme is: Equally Close to All Things: Explorations in Equanimity.
Life includes both pleasant and unpleasant experiences, ups and down, joys and sorrows. Equanimity invites us to meet all of these with tenderness and poise and to nurture the capacity to be equally close to all things. Can we cultivate more spaciousness, intimacy and calm in the midst of life? This week we will explore finding a deeper, more stable wellbeing, a wellbeing that is not dependant on the external circumstances of our lives.