Coming to terms with the teaching and implications of the first noble truth can be challenging, confusing and ongoing. When we are unable to do the hard work of completing the task of the first truth, to embrace Dukkha, we become vulnerable to destructive emotions.
With Dave Smith recorded on January 24, 2021.
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of May 17, 2021
We’re fortunate that Martin Aylward has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. To find out more about Martin, and view his other recordings on the platform, click here.
Freedom without Expectations
Recorded :
October 1, 2023 One of the Buddha’s primary realisations was ‘Life is painful and then you die.’ If this is true, then how do we respond to the difficulties of life? This session will explore how we are conditioned to protect, promote and satisfy a ‘self’ which can never be satisfied because ‘we are the slaves of craving.’ There will…
The Elephant’s Footprint
Recorded :
March 21, 2021 Looking at The Four Noble Truths as the way to give us guidance in our world and how to work with racial separation in our Global Dharma sanghas. Is having teachers of Color and Dharma community racial sensitivity training the right way or wrong way and is that enough?
Cabbages & Condoms
Recorded :
October 24, 2021 During this session we be explore life’s basic necessities and drives, and the critical difference between ‘getting along’ and ‘getting ahead.’ Our meditation practice will be based on the Wise-Heartedness Bhavana to help us cultivate skilful response to distractions in daily life. A transcript of this session is available here.
Can We Know the End of the World?
Recorded :
February 7, 2021 We find ourselves concerned with the state of the world yet we do not live in one world. Our inner world reveals significant differences from the outer world. The outer world offers a variety of impressions to people. It is not unusual to claim we live in different worlds. The one world view seems to…
The Gratification, The Danger and The Escape
Recorded :
September 23, 2018 The triad of gratification, danger, and escape is one of the Buddha’s most concise and simple teachings for investigating everyday lived experience. This formula can be applied to every single aspect of our experience. Many Buddhist scholars point out that this teaching contains the earliest roots of what we have come to know as the…
What Can I Do to Help?! I’m At My Limit!
Recorded :
May 15, 2022 Sometimes as much as we want to help, we feel stuck. When we see children suffering and grandmothers crying in Ukraine, our hearts break, but the enormity of suffering feels like more than we can bear. How can we meet this wall, especially when our own personal resources are low? In this talk, I’ll teach…
Being your own physician.
Recorded :
April 17, 2016 Worldwide Insight talk from Ralph Steele: “Being Your Own Physician: Using the Four Noble Truths for Diagnosing, Cleansing and to support Embodiment”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.