The practice of equanimity supports us to find balance, stability and steadiness within the changing conditions of our lives. We can then respond with wisdom and compassion to whatever is unfolding. Equanimity is a fruit of the practice, as well as a way of relating that we can cultivate intentionally. We will explore ways to develop it and bring it forth, for our own wellbeing and the benefit of all. |
With Zohar Lavie recorded on May 29, 2022.
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Opening to the Joy of Interconnection
Recorded :
July 4, 2021 A deeply conditioned habit of the human mind is to experience ourselves as independent and distinct from others and the world that we share. At the heart of Dharma teachings is the invitation to question, inquire into and transform this conditioning of separation, opening us to the joy and possibility of mutuality and interconnectedness. During…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Nathan Glyde – Week of June 28, 2021
This week’s theme is: The Unbound Heart
Teachings of liberation expand our range of possibilities. They encourage us to discover a broader capacity of what we can contact, sense, and do. The teachings of the pāramīs are a key part of this journey. They act like a map and compass for the heart’s wish to be free of habitual limitations, to be a heart unbound. This week we’ll take a deeper dive into the illimitable qualities of the heart.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of 11 – 15 September, 2023
Daily meditations with Martin Aylward.
For the love of mindfulness!
Recorded :
April 3, 2016 Mindfulness practice has burst out of its Buddhist origins and is hugely impacting the culture at large, particularly in the fields of education, healthcare and business. Some delight in the liberating possibilities of this, and some are concerned about what they see as the ‘dumbing down’ of the practice, or the exclusion of important areas…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Zohar Lavie – Week of July 5, 2021
This week’s theme is: The Power of Compassion.
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. – Dalai Lama
During this week we will explore how compassion informs and supports meditation practice and the deepening of understanding and wisdom. We will practice and inquire into different aspects of this powerful attitude and intention and taste for ourselves the impact it has on ourselves and the world.
Awakening a Fierce Feminine Buddhism
Recorded :
March 15, 2020 What would it look like to re-weave historical and archetypal women’s stories back into the fabric of Buddhist teachings? How could the inclusion of feminine qualities—receptivity, relationship, intuition and embodiment—transform the shape of practice? Join Pamela Weiss for an exploration on how to reimagine Buddhism through a feminine lens.
Wholehearted living.
Recorded :
March 12, 2017 How do we transform habits of dissatisfaction and distraction, and invite real spaciousness and openness in our day-to-day lives? Becoming intimate, moment by moment, with living reality expands our life-perspective and attunes us to what really matters in life. Leela will explore the nature of love and the implications of loving whatever arises.
A Return To Naturalness
Recorded :
September 29, 2024 From pure emptiness the wondrous appears… In the session we will explore different somatic approaches to cultivate a sense of calm and ease. An invitation into insight meditation and letting go into a natural state of flow.