Gregory writes: “Obviously our Dhamma practices infuse our lives (if not, something is amiss). We don’t usually talk about how this flows the other direction: the qualities we develop in our personal and professional lives strongly impact our Buddhist path. That’s what I’ll be speaking about, drawing examples from my own life in music, inventing, science, building renovation, marriage, and parenting.”
With Gregory Kramer recorded on May 24, 2020.
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Natural Wisdom
Recorded :
July 5, 2020 In the modern world, it’s easy to forget our intimate connection with all of life. But with recent global events and movements, we’ve been both confronted and inspired by the deep impact our actions have on one another. From a Buddhist perspective, being aware is our true nature. What role might the natural world play…
Cultivating Wise Energy
Recorded :
March 6, 2022 Everything we do in life depends on energy, but the modern world has a destructive and exploitative relationship with energy. What is wise, balanced energy in spiritual practice? How can we establish this in the face of societal pressure and norms, and how can it be a resource in our daily life?
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Zohar Lavie – Week of July 5, 2021
This week’s theme is: The Power of Compassion.
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. – Dalai Lama
During this week we will explore how compassion informs and supports meditation practice and the deepening of understanding and wisdom. We will practice and inquire into different aspects of this powerful attitude and intention and taste for ourselves the impact it has on ourselves and the world.
Right view – a path to liberation.
Recorded :
November 6, 2016 The practice and realizaton of Right View is the first of the eightfold path. Holding to views and opinions is a sure way to suffering, says the Buddha. But can we live with no views at all? To realize Right View we have to look deeply into life, in order to free ourselves from wrong…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Wiebke Pausch – Week of November 20, 2023
This week’s topic is “May I be kind to myself”. May I be kind to myself – coming home to kindness and giving ourselves the love and care we need and deserve. What helps us to nurture this love – especially in the most challenging moments? We will explore how we can move towards more tenderness and open heartedness for ourselves and others.
Imagination: An Integral Aspect of Liberating the Heart
Recorded :
May 21, 2023 Our heart/mind is naturally creative; it foresees, remembers, dreams, and perceives. The products of our imagination shape our intentions, expanding the realm of possibilities beyond what we’ve learned, seen, or experienced thus far. We can give ourselves permission to imagine and co-create our lives. And once this is cultivated and the doors of perception are…
Not Clinging to Anything in the World
Recorded :
May 17, 2020 These words, spoken by the Buddha in the Satipatthana Sutta, point us to the potential for awakening inherent in mindfulness practice. Even now, in the midst of the pandemic of Covid-19, we can explore what it means to live a life of love, commitment and authenticity as we discover the freedom of not clinging to…
Rewilding: Dharma as a Journey Home to Wildness, Wonder and Ancestral Ground
Recorded :
November 27, 2022 How do we live in these times when human action has accelerated species extinction and ecosystem collapse? How do we understand what it means to be human now? On this day we will explore the power of meditation practice to deepen intimacy with our own innate wildness, to reconnect with the unstructured spaces of the…