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From conditioned perception to true and free seeing

With Christelle Bonneau recorded on September 2, 2018.

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What do we call reality? How can we free ourselves from conditioned vision and taste life more fully and truly?

Acknowledging that our perception of what we call reality is completely subjective, Christine explores the world of perception to find out what is conditioning our vision. Each one of us has been often surprised, deceived or hurt by people, events or situations which were not as imagined, perceived, projected or expected. Memories, greed, fear, attachment (to what is known or to a special plan) are really active components in our seeing and sometimes don’t allow us to really see and experience what is.

By bringing more consciousness into our body, senses, emotions, memories and thoughts, we can free our mind from expectations and narrowing projections to create a clearer vision, a closer relationship and a better communication with our inside and outside world in everyday life. By becoming free from conditioned vision, we can taste better the unique nature of the “here and now”, and become more sensitive to ourself and what is around us. We can enjoy true and authentic relationships, become intimate with life… delight and wonder.

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


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