As we move through life, we meet change, obstacles and beauty, hardships and love, praise and blame, and all the rest of the winds of life. Our question is then how to meet life with a sense of trust in the unknown and find a place where we can meet it all with more ease and freedom. Let’s explore this together!
With Roxanne Dault recorded on November 5, 2023.
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Milla Gregor – Week of June 20, 2022
This week’s topic is Skills for Inner and Outer Transformation. Dharma practice gives us great tools for inner and interpersonal change. It’s empowering to explore how these can also be useful for social and environmental transformation. We will tour such qualities, including equanimity (upekkha), non-self (anatta), and sukha (yes, pleasure!). Together, we will draw on both traditional and more contemporary voices to show how your skills as a practitioner could be vital to the work of changing the world.
Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness (NSM): An Accelerated Path for Healing & Awakening
Recorded :
February 4, 2024 Roshi Fleet Maull, PhD will offer a brief talk and guide a session of his deeply embodied, neuroscience and trauma-informed approach to classic mindfulness & awareness meditation followed by Q&A. NSM facilitates the transition from self-directed self-regulation to the body’s capacity for auto-regulation, flow, and effortless mindfulness, as well as the shift from witnessing mindfulness to nondual…
The Art of Being: Cultivating Presence in Troubled Times
Recorded :
February 3, 2019 There is a power in simply being here now. In times of trouble, the ability to be radically present might have more to offer than we think. Join Lama Willa as she explores this topic in this session.
Relational mindfulness: how to stay awake in our daily interactions and relationships.
Recorded :
October 2, 2016 It is one thing to deepen our practice through silent sitting meditation or on retreat, but how do we bring our practice into the dynamic, messy, and beautiful field of human relationship? What if our daily interactions offer the perfect gateway for awakening? This dharma talk is about letting go of the needless efforting of…
Acting on Behalf of Consciousness
Recorded :
January 10, 2021 As we move into this new year, most of us are ready to leave 2020 behind. So much hardship, for so many, has arisen in the last year. Many of us felt more isolated, more separate, than ever before. As we transition into 2021, rather than live and act on behalf of that felt sense…
Self and not-self: the secret of anata.
Recorded :
March 20, 2016 Worldwide Insight talk from Lila Kimhi: “Self and Not-self: the secret of Anata”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
Nourishing Compassion
Recorded :
January 9, 2022 His Holiness the Dalai Lama has shared that compassion is not a luxury but a necessity for human beings to survive. There is no more important time to understand and strengthen compassion than right now.
Courage to Love
Recorded :
April 9, 2023 I cannot be fully me if you are not fully who you are destined to be. I AM Because We Are.