Dharma teachings are sublime, subtle, and onward leading: they are always going deeper and wider than we may first presume. Yet, they also meet us where we are, in the midst of our life.
In this session we’ll explore two expressions of the middle-way we can cultivate and develop in our practice and in our lives: tatramajjhattatā, to be there in the middle-ness of existence, equally touched by all things; and upekkhā, a steady impartial view of the world that fades distress.
With Nathan Glyde recorded on September 26, 2021.
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Three kinds of liberation.
Recorded :
January 8, 2017 Freedom from stress. Freedom to Be. Freedom to Act. Join us as we explore with Christopher how these three freedoms give support to each other.
Insight and practices for difficult times
Recorded :
February 4, 2018 We are in a race between fear and consciousness. Never before have forces of greed hatred and ignorance enjoyed such a platform of populist divisiveness that instills fear and separation throughout society, endangering our very civilization. And never before has there been as much caring and worldwide commitment to making this a better world. In…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of 8 July, 2024
This week’s topic is “Love and Letting Go: Meeting Life Spaciously and Graciously”. Join us for a series of Daily Meditations where we’ll discover how to meet life with openness and grace. Together, we will explore the profound dance between love and letting go, and cultivate a spacious presence that embraces our experiences with tenderness and wisdom.
Opening to the Joy of Interconnection
Recorded :
July 4, 2021 A deeply conditioned habit of the human mind is to experience ourselves as independent and distinct from others and the world that we share. At the heart of Dharma teachings is the invitation to question, inquire into and transform this conditioning of separation, opening us to the joy and possibility of mutuality and interconnectedness. During…
Death and the dance of self.
Recorded :
November 8, 2015 The Buddhadharma is bursting with ways to find helpful perspectives on our troubles. With awareness and investigation we can unpack the nub of clinging which keeps us bound to old and unhelpful ways of seeing ourselves and the world. As we learn to work with self-centred clinging, we make ourselves available to a liberated perspective…
Lovingkindness in the Little Things
Recorded :
September 10, 2023 In this session Shaila Catherine explored the practice and purpose of lovingkindness (mettā) meditation. She clarified what mettā is, and what mettā is not. Mettā is more than merely an antidote to apply on occasions when fear and ill will arise. Mettā can become a skillful and liberating way to experience all moments of life.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of November 9, 2020
We’re fortunate that Martin Aylward has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. To find out more about Martin, and view his other recordings on the platform, click here.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Nirmala Werner – Week of Jan 23 – 27, 2023
This week’s theme is “5 Doorways to Love”. What hinders our love? Where are we blocked? Desire, anger, dullness, restlessness and doubt are the so-called 5 hindrances: qualities in the mind which obstruct mindfulness and love. At the same time, when we approach them wisely, they can serve as a beautiful guide towards liberation. During this week we will explore the treasures of these qualities for our meditation and our daily life.