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Love in the Time of Extinction: Dharma Practice and the Climate Emergency

With recorded on March 31, 2019.

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This was a special Worldwide Insight session in which Martin Aylward and Yanai Postelnik were in conversation about the climate emergency and how to engage with it from a Dharma perspective.

Prior to the session, Yanai wrote:

“I know there are many in our worldwide sangha, who like myself have engaged with, or are considering engaging with Extinction Rebellion, or have questions about it. As a young, but quickly growing and inclusive movement, “XR” is calling for non-violent mass civil disobedience in London and in capitals around the world from 15 April, seeking to pressure our governments to act proportionately and urgently, in responding to the climate and ecological emergency we face. This is the over-arching ethical issue of our times, and a matter of urgency and profound morality. My wish is to share my experience of engaging in peaceful non-violent civil disobedience, and to reflect on this as a natural expression of awakening and courageous compassion, deeply aligned with the spiritual path of dharma practice.”

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


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