In the territory of inherent health we are all equal. To really know this with the heartmind impacts our practice at all levels. One of the more important shifts in our practice is recognising the depth and sacredness of our shared humanity, goodness and nobility.
With Maura Sills recorded on May 5, 2024.
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ulla Koenig – Week of January 15, 2024
This week’s theme is “Tending to Fire – An Exploration of the Third Noble Truth”. The third of the four noble truths, which the Buddha offered as a framework, invites us to reflect on ways to tend to the inner fires or urges, which we all experience. ‘Nirodha’ is a concept which invites us to explore ways to handle that fire: to contain it, to create safe space around it and not to fuel it further, so that it eventually expires. This week, we explore concepts like ‘freedom of/from/to’ as well as letting go and letting be.
How to Find Equanimity Amidst Upheaval
Recorded :
May 3, 2020 We are deeply habituated to seek equanimity as if it’s a state to be found. In times of crisis, stakes are high. We try harder. The more desperate we feel, the more effort we put in. In this striving, we forget to ask: “Who is it that’s striving?” This question isn’t about finding the right…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ulla Koenig – Week of 02 December, 2024
We are grateful to have Ulla Koenig leading our Daily Meditation sessions this week. May these sessions support and deepen your practice.
This week’s theme is: Soothing the Grieving Heart
As human beings we have the privilege to consciously experience many beautiful and joyful things. And we are constantly in touch with the changeability of nature, relationships, our body, hearts, self and much more. Without knowing how to accommodate the naturally arising sadness, change and loss can be easily overwhelming. We will dedicate this week in the darkest time of the year, to open up a compassionate space to explore skillful grieving.
Our Dharma Library thrives through collective generosity. Your donation helps sustain this offering for our entire community.
The Path of the Bodhisattva: Choosing a Life of Kindness
Recorded :
November 12, 2023 The path of the Bodhisattva asks us to dedicate ourselves to the well-being of all sentient beings – to show up as best as we can for ourselves, each other, and the natural world with a quality of no-matter-whatness. It’s an impossible though necessary task. Yet the teachings and practices of everyday dharma offer accessible,…
Daily Meditation Recordings with Christopher Titmuss- Week of September 9, 2024
This week’s topic is “The Changeless. Knock, knock on Heaven’s Door”. Conventional human experience reveals the subject and the object. The object includes, mind/body/things/world/time/space and here and now. All of these are subject to change. The subject includes consciousness, perception, awareness, attention, mindfulness, I and my. All subject to change. We might conclude true reality reveals change. Can realisation of the changeless make easy the navigation of change?
We Journey from Birth Onto Death. Does Life Offer Something More?
Recorded :
January 30, 2022 Life seems an inevitable movement in the field of time until death interrupts. Amidst the myriad number of events, welcome and unwelcome, we hastily conclude the way we perceive reveals the way things are.
Embracing the First Noble Truth: Dukkha and Destructive Emotions
Recorded :
January 24, 2021 Coming to terms with the teaching and implications of the first noble truth can be challenging, confusing and ongoing. When we are unable to do the hard work of completing the task of the first truth, to embrace Dukkha, we become vulnerable to destructive emotions.
Opening to the Joy of Interconnection
Recorded :
July 4, 2021 A deeply conditioned habit of the human mind is to experience ourselves as independent and distinct from others and the world that we share. At the heart of Dharma teachings is the invitation to question, inquire into and transform this conditioning of separation, opening us to the joy and possibility of mutuality and interconnectedness. During…