The Buddha discovered that craving is the cause by which stress comes into play. Letting go of this constant pursuing of our desires is possible. Befriending this human and natural craving needs the power of kind awareness and an ongoing reflection: What feeds my craving? And: What feeds letting go?
With Bart van Melik recorded on May 19, 2024.
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Danna / Generosity: It’s More than Just the Talk at the end of the Retreat
Recorded :
November 17, 2024 Generosity, be it material or spiritual is universal across cultures and spiritual practices. In today’s talk we explore Buddhist and other teachings, as well as deeper neuroscience behind why generosity makes us happier and more resilient, even touching on whether science can validate karma as it relates to kindness and generosity. We’ll take the time…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of 15 April, 2024
This week’s topic is “The Dharma and the Drama: Illuminating Heart and World”. Each day this week, Martin will offer some brief reflections as an introduction to meditating together, with the dual focus of supporting a deepening meditation practice, and integrating its themes into your daily life and activities.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Sophie Boyer – Week of 18 November, 2024
We’re delighted to have Sophie Boyer guiding our Daily Meditation sessions this week. May they bring peace and depth to your practice.
This week’s theme is: The Fruits of Attention
What difference does a simple reorientation of attention do to this moment? How will it condition what comes next? Every day this week there will be an opportunity for the fruits of attention to be revealed such as care, generosity, and morality. Let’s explore this together.
Cultivating mindfulness of sounds and meditative listening.
Recorded :
February 8, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Martine Batchelor: “Cultivating Mindfulness of Sounds and Meditative Listening”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
For the love of mindfulness!
Recorded :
April 3, 2016 Mindfulness practice has burst out of its Buddhist origins and is hugely impacting the culture at large, particularly in the fields of education, healthcare and business. Some delight in the liberating possibilities of this, and some are concerned about what they see as the ‘dumbing down’ of the practice, or the exclusion of important areas…
Deep Ground Living
Recorded :
November 10, 2024 How can we live from the ground of presence, being ourselves in peace with others, while doing what needs to be done? This Sunday we’ll explore what is essential for living in the midst of life with both peace of mind and peace of heart.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Milla Gregor – Week of 11 November, 2024
This week’s theme is: Warm Solitude, Beautiful Nature
There are many ways to be solitary, whether alone or in company. How might we cultivate a warm, friendly solitude? Nature is beautiful, both ‘out there’ and ‘in here’. How might we appreciate and support nature’s beauty? This week we’ll explore these questions together through practice, reflection and experiment.
The Whole of the Holy Life: Celebrating Buddhist Community on Māgha Pūjā 2567
Recorded :
February 25, 2024 This weekend is the Buddhist full moon ritual known as Māgha Pūjā, one of the three great festival days in the Theravāda Buddhist calendar, also known as “Saṅgha Day,” celebrating the spiritual community. The tradition remembers a day when the first 1,250 arahant (fully awakened) disciples all spontaneously returned from their travels and came together with the…