Worldwide Insight talk from Diana Winston: “Practicing with the Suffering of the World”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
With Diana Winston recorded on October 23, 2016.
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The Power of Surrender
Recorded :
June 18, 2023 The spiritual path requires our surrender – again and again. We surrender story, striving, preoccupation, and the illusion of separate self. We surrender all that is not Love. How do we remember the power of surrender alongside resistance? How do we recognize the emergent ground of Trust while navigating the unknown? How can the liminality…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of September 7, 2020
We’re fortunate that Martin Aylward has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. To find out more about Martin, and view his other recordings on the platform, click here.
Consuming the Chaos: Exploring Surviving Suffering in a World of Suffering
Recorded :
March 28, 2021 Buddhadharma is a system of profound wisdom that helps us to tell the truth about our lives. It helps us to consume the chaos of the world we are struggling through by reminding us of the spaciousness that is always inherently present in and around anything we experience as suffering. When we connect to this…
The nature of experience. Part 1: Impermanence.
Recorded :
January 15, 2017 Today’s session is the first in a special run of three consecutive sessions with Martin, where he looks deeply at the nature of experience through Buddha’s profound descriptions of reality – Impermanence, Emptiness, Non self-existence. The classes point directly to how these themes can come alive in our practice and understanding, looking at the personal,…
The Unguarded Heart: Meeting Anger and Resentment with Love and Forgiveness
Recorded :
April 1, 2018 In this talk, we explore anger, resentment, jealousy, and other difficult emotions – learning how to see clearly and meet anger with true love and acceptance. We explore our misunderstandings about anger and learn how to cultivate the compassionate presence that offers a vast and courageous expression of love. Compassion’s perception of anger is more…
Living by Vow
Recorded :
November 1, 2020 If we start with the understanding that everyone is living by vow, how can we examine what vows we are following and change to follow the ones that lead to liberation?
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Sophie Boyer – Week of May 13, 2024
This week’s topic is “Trust the Process”. There is a natural space that is always available to us. A space before thoughts, before duality. Every day there will be an opportunity to come back to this primary experience that is safe and complete. A space before the beginning. This week let’s trust the process together.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Miles Kessler – Week of June 5, 2023
This week’s topic is “Cultivating The 5 Spiritual Powers In Your Life”. The “5 Spiritual Powers” are mental faculties of faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration, & wisdom. In this week of daily meditation, each day you will experience one of the 5 spiritual powers, and you will learn the best practices for awakening, developing, and cultivating these mental powers in your practice, and in your life.