The teacher Neem Karoli Baba said, “Don’t throw anyone out of your heart.” What about people who have hurt us, or are currently hurting us or others? In this session we explore together practices that help us to transform our resentment, fear and anger toward these difficult people, and learn to open our hearts to them, moving through obstacles that hold us back so that we can be free to live and love fully. When we open to the boundless love that exists in each of us, not only do we experience profound transformation, but difficult relationships can transform as well.
With Kaira Jewel Lingo recorded on May 5, 2019.
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Kaira Jewel Lingo – Week of October 5, 2020
We’re fortunate that Martin Aylward has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK this week. To find out more about Martin, and view his other recordings on the platform, click here.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Jaya Rudgard – Week of October 3, 2022
This week’s theme is “The Practice of Courage in Everyday Life”
Courage is an essential quality in life and on the spiritual path and it comes in many guises. Anything that challenges our unhelpful habits requires a capacity for determination and the stretching of our comfort zones. This week’s morning meetings will reflect on some of the ways we can cultivate courage in meditation and daily life and resource ourselves to meet the challenges of living in these times.
S.A.L.S.A.: Using Buddhist practice to Respond to “Spicy” Emotions
Recorded :
June 9, 2019 Life presents plenty of opportunities to react unconsciously, often creating harm for ourselves and others. How might we apply our Buddhist practice to “Spicy” situations and emotions, in order to respond wisely? In this session, Brian will draw on Stephen Batchelor’s work and propose a working acronym of “S.A.L.S.A.” to navigate life’s spiciness and act…
The practice of love in times of hate
Recorded :
December 3, 2017 The Buddha taught hate cannot be conquered by hate, but only by love; that this is the eternal law. What does this mean in our lives, and in the contentious and divisive times we live in?
Love’s in Need of Love: The Practice of Love as Social Resistance
Recorded :
July 1, 2017 The great Black American singer and songwriter Stevie Wonder once sang, “Love’s in need of love today.” His words couldn’t be more true as we face a global community struggling with war, poverty, illness, climate instability, and the rise of political authorities and governments who do not seem to be grounded in compassion or kindness….
Exploring the sense of self.
Recorded :
May 24, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Christopher Titmuss: “Exploring the Sense of Self”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
Relationship to time.
Recorded :
October 25, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Christopher Titmuss: “Relationship to Time”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
The Radical Heart
Recorded :
May 19, 2019 It’s hard to find the words that do justice to the enormity of the heartbreak we are in. As we wake up to our new reality, we feel grief, fear, outrage, and a daily kaleidoscope of reactions as we witness the dying of our beautiful planet. Our Dharma practice is for this, to meet reality….