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The beauty of the spontaneous movement of life

With Christelle Bonneau recorded on July 23, 2017.

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Nowadays, for most of us, life is so full, so fast and dispersed in so many directions: jobs, partners, children, family, house, everyday duties, mobile phone, internet, responsibility, stress, tiredness, worries … and when we find a small space, we fill it with hobbies, friends, sports, TV and every other little thing we usually don’t get the time for.

And our body serves each one of theses actions. Every day, from morning to evening, our body follows our duties, desires and projections quietly and perfectly. Sometime it says “stop” by getting sick, when it’s out of strength and too oppressed by being on auto pilot.

What would it to be like to stop doing, for a short moment (a few minutes), or a long moment (a few hours or a few days)? How would it be to stop interfering and let the organic movement take place spontaneously? What could arise out of silence? Ideas? Intuition? A movement back to what’s essential? Energy? Life? Pleasure? Clarity? Questions?

What would be the movement of your breath, of your thoughts, your emotions, the dance of your body, the free expression of your voice? What would your colour be, your own language, your natural expression, your own creativity and artistic inspiration?

Let’s explore together a few tips and mindful practices we can use and develop every day to give a place to the natural movement of life inside ourself, through our artistic expression and into everyday life actions. Let’s explore how we could learn again to play, become really alive and be surprised…

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


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