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Day of Practice

Saturday, March 18th

Creative Freedom:
Dharma Practice as
Artistic Expression

8-11am PT / 11am-2pm ET / 3-6pm GMT / 4-7pm CET

Discover, cultivate, and express the free-ness and creativity that is your true nature.

Much more than how we meditate, dharma practice is about how we live. We are either trapped in our patterns and reactivity, or we learn to see through our conditioning, and meet life creatively.

Authentic freeness of being expresses playfulness and possibility; the opportunity to engage creatively with each experience; to take nothing for granted; and to embrace ‘the full catastrophe’. Freeness is the essence of the Buddha’s teachings.

During this 3-hour Day of Practice with our founding teacher, Martin, we’ll look at the parallels and differences between creativity and spirituality.

Together we’ll explore dharma practice as artistic expression.

Whether you have a formal creative activity, or not at all, on this day you’ll learn practices and teachings for awake-ness, flexibility, playfulness, and a spirit of creative exploration.

Join us to explore:

  • Stepping outside of the familiar; embracing not-knowing
  • The willingness to experiment, and to fail
  • Forgiving yourself everything, all the time

What is Day of Practice?

Sangha Live’s 3-hour, LIVE Day of Practice allows for you to drop in deeper, develop your meditation skills, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.

Days of Practice includes longer periods of meditation, interspersed with wise teachings, an interactive Q&A with our teacher, and more.

Replay access will be available to all registrants within 48 hours of the live session.

How is Day of Practice different from Sangha Live’s Daily/Sunday classes?

Our shorter Daily Meditation (60 mins) and Sunday Sangha (90 mins) programs emphasize dharma teachings, while our longer Days of Practice (3 hours) emphasize development of meditation practice.

Daily practice is crucial for watering seeds of mindfulness, but extended periods of deep attention such as these, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, can be uniquely fruitful.


Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis, with a suggested rate of $35. We wholeheartedly welcome all to practice with us; no one turned away for lack of funds.


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