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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Nathan Glyde – Week of 27 January, 2025

Nathan Glyde

Nathan Glyde

We’re grateful to have Nathan Glyde guiding our Daily Meditation sessions this week. May these sessions support and deepen your practice.

This week’s theme is: Time For Life

Dharma teachings invite a profound reduction in stress. When stress is present, there is a sense of time pressure, urgency, and haste. Conversely, when there is freedom and ease, our perception of time expands in countless ways. Dharma practice can be viewed as methods to significantly alter our sense of time, welcoming us into a well-paced connection that makes time for life.

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2 thoughts on “Daily Meditation Recordings, with Nathan Glyde – Week of 27 January, 2025

  1. First time for me sitting with you, Nathan. This was wonderful. Pace, voice and reflections all supported my practice. Though I have to catch these on recording, I’m in Canada, I plan to be back. Deep bow of thanks.

    1. Thank you for your beautiful message, Bonnie. And those were also the exact words of Nathan, to whom I passed on your message. Welcome to the Sangha!

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