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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Zohar Lavie – Week of July 17, 2023

Zohar Lavie

Zohar Lavie

We’re fortunate that Zohar Lavie has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions this week. To find out more about Zohar, and to view her other contributions to Sangha Live, click here. Recordings will be posted by the end of the day of the live session.


This week’s topic is “Deepening and Developing Unconditional Friendliness


Metta, translated as unconditional friendliness, is a powerful and transformative attitude. When we relate to ourselves, others and experience with metta, reactivity and ill being dissolve and wisdom and wellbeing grow. During this week of practice we will deepen the practice and application of metta, as well as the understanding of how it impacts experience.

An attitude of friendship

July 17, 2023

Self metta

July 18, 2023

Metta beyond habits

July 19, 2023

Please note that due to tech issues during the live stream, this video features some temporary discontinuity and frozen images.

Metta-ful easing of contraction and dukkha

July 20, 2023

Unconditional friendliness in all directions

July 21, 2023

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