Through the cultures within family, education and work, we are constantly orientated towards ‘realistic’ expectations and visions for our lives. Dharma practice asks us to abandon the realistic in favour of the real; listening deeply to life and to how things actually are, so as to respond wisely and lovingly, fully and freely. In this class Worldwide Insight founding teacher Martin Aylward contrasts the realistic and the real, inviting reflection and discussion to point us towards freedom, awakening and wise engagement with the world.
With Martin Aylward recorded on March 18, 2018.
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Embracing Uncertainty – Practice During Crisis
Recorded :
April 19, 2020 “The truth is that you will never be absolutely safe. All things change constantly, even what is most precious. This is the angst of life, the price of being a conscious human being.” – Phillip Moffitt As a spiritual practitioner, you learn to see and accept “uncertainty” as a fact of life – even during…
Feeling the blessings of your life.
Recorded :
July 26, 2015 We are easily and often exposed to the greed, hatred and delusion that easily directs our own minds, and seems to be running the world. Yet whatever our personal circumstances, there is much we can appreciate and be grateful for. In this session, Martin explores the quality of appreciation – mudita – as a way…
Not Knowing is Most Intimate
Recorded :
November 19, 2023 The Buddha spoke often about the danger of clinging to views and opinions. He recommended we avoid clinging, even to the dharma and to “right view.” In a world increasingly torn apart by our adherence to differing viewpoints, how do we navigate the tension between knowing and not knowing? Our exploration will draw from the…
Clear Presence, Sweet Absence
Recorded :
March 1, 2020 Dharma practice encourages us to see the present moment clearly – to meet and respond to it well. What is here in this moment? Another dimension of practice is to learn to appreciate absence: What is this moment free from? Having skill in both these dimensions brings us closer to the joy and peace that…
Dharma, Sex, Intimacy and Covid
Recorded :
September 6, 2020 We are more physically isolated during these days of Covid. Less physical contact, less access even to each others smiles beneath the masks we wear to care for each others’ health. Contact and intimacy are deeply important to humans, and in this session Sangha Live founding and guiding teacher Martin Aylward explores different forms of…
Self and Not-Self: Who (What) are You?
Recorded :
October 25, 2020 This talk explores classic Buddhist teachings about anatta: self and not-self as well highlighting how other traditions and modalities recognized self and what it means to be free from self. We investigate self and not-self through spiritual, poetic cultural and personal perspectives.
Clearly visible but hard to see.
Recorded :
May 10, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Stephen Batchelor: “Clearly Visible but Hard to See”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
The Power of Surrender
Recorded :
June 18, 2023 The spiritual path requires our surrender – again and again. We surrender story, striving, preoccupation, and the illusion of separate self. We surrender all that is not Love. How do we remember the power of surrender alongside resistance? How do we recognize the emergent ground of Trust while navigating the unknown? How can the liminality…