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Letting go of fear; finding courage in the face of uncertainty.

With Deborah Eden Tull recorded on March 5, 2017.

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Even though we know fear does not serve us, we often allow it to stop or limit us. We might not even be aware of the ways it drives us and makes us smaller than we are. Though we might think we can control life, there is little we can actually control. If we are honest, we can say that the human experience involves some form of uncertainty and disappointment every single day. Death is the only thing we actually know with certainty will happen to us in this life.

In this session, Eden explores how meditation teaches us how to relate to fear in an entirely different way. It gives us the choice to see fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) clearly and to cultivate the equanimity and courage that is our birthright.

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


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