Mindfulness practice has burst out of its Buddhist origins and is hugely impacting the culture at large, particularly in the fields of education, healthcare and business. Some delight in the liberating possibilities of this, and some are concerned about what they see as the ‘dumbing down’ of the practice, or the exclusion of important areas like ethics and going against the stream of greed, hatred and delusion.
With Martin Aylward recorded on April 3, 2016.
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Sunday Session with Gregory Kramer
Recorded :
May 17, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Greg Kramer. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of Feb 28, 2022
Daily meditations with Martin Aylward.
Embodied Wisdom: the Fruit of Buddhist Practice
Recorded :
October 3, 2021 Cultivating embodied wisdom can provide us with lasting equanimity in the face of life’s inevitable ups and downs. During this session, Ronya offers Buddhist practices and frameworks to help us access deep peace and profound contentment for life’s precious journey.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ulla Koenig – Week of July 10, 2023
This week’s theme is “The Compassionate Heart”. Karuna, usually translated as compassion, is our hearts’ ability to relate with care towards ourselves, others and experience in general. Living in a complex world with imperfect others and self, an attitude and practice of compassion can be an immense support. But when misunderstood, it can equally turn into pity, generate overwhelm, make us lose balance and create friction with the concept of responsibility. We will therefore dedicate this upcoming week to an indepth exploration into the concept of compassion.
Insight and practices for difficult times
Recorded :
February 4, 2018 We are in a race between fear and consciousness. Never before have forces of greed hatred and ignorance enjoyed such a platform of populist divisiveness that instills fear and separation throughout society, endangering our very civilization. And never before has there been as much caring and worldwide commitment to making this a better world. In…
Dharma, Sex, Intimacy and Covid
Recorded :
September 6, 2020 We are more physically isolated during these days of Covid. Less physical contact, less access even to each others smiles beneath the masks we wear to care for each others’ health. Contact and intimacy are deeply important to humans, and in this session Sangha Live founding and guiding teacher Martin Aylward explores different forms of…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Christine Kupfer – Week of October 9, 2023
This week’s topic is “Presence: At the Heart of Everything, Free from Everything”. I first heard this phrase when I was a young student of Zen. Since then I have practiced it every day. It is a radical proposition, an invitation to live fully. Embodied presence is transformative, healing and liberating.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of 4 March, 2024
This week’s topic is “Wide and Deep: an Integrated Practice in Meditation and in Life”. This week at Sangha live, the morning meditations with Martin will draw each day on elements of dharma practice and understanding that can be both cultivated in meditation, and applied in daily activity. We’ll encourage a steady participation in the mornings through the week, and reflect on using the daily themes to explore our habits, beliefs and reactions throughout each day.