Consciousness itself is not disturbed by a busy mind.
In practice, the ego takes this truth and says, “I will transcend mind.”
But the “I” that experiences itself as separate from life cannot and will not ever know liberation.
There is no such thing as an enlightened ego.
What else is possible?
Resting in Love, as Love.
With Caverly Morgan recorded on July 9, 2023.
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of March 23
We’re fortunate that Martin Aywlard has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK. To find out more about Martin, and to view his other contributions to Sangha Live, click here. Monday, March 23 The immediacy of experience Wednesday, March 25 Receptivity and responsiveness Friday, March 27 Real time Tuesday,…
Moving Beyond the Myth of Loneliness
Recorded :
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Recorded :
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ulla Koenig – Week of July 19, 2021
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Luckily, the Dharma path offers us tools to meet this painful heart-mind dynamic. This week we will practice summoning qualities like wisdom, kindness, equanimity, concentration, appreciation, compassion and inquiry, in order to meet our inner critic in a skilful way.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Zohar Lavie – Week of July 17, 2023
This week’s topic is “Deepening and Developing Unconditional Friendliness”. Metta, translated as unconditional friendliness, is a powerful and transformative attitude. When we relate to ourselves, others and experience with metta, reactivity and ill being dissolve and wisdom and wellbeing grow. During this week of practice we will deepen the practice and application of metta, as well as the understanding of how it impacts experience.
Vast View, Fine Attention
Recorded :
December 16, 2018 In this session, Martin explores the apparent paradox of a vast view combined with a fine attention, along with practices to bring both into focus. How do we hold both simultaneously? How can we be responsive, without feeling responsible? How might we bring both a vast view and a fine attention to both our inner…
Intimacy and infinity: beyond inner and outer.
Recorded :
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