Anxiety is a completely normal, natural human emotion. Anxiety can be rooted in circumstances related to one’s personal life, relationships, or larger issues affecting our society and planet. Regardless of the source, many suffer from intense, frequent or chronic forms of anxiety. What does spirituality and contemplative practice have to teach us about how to handle anxiety? Join Oren for this 90 minute session exploring tools to understand and soothe anxiety.
With Oren Jay Sofer recorded on October 20, 2019.
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Whole body breathing to regulate your mind and body
Recorded :
April 2, 2023 In this session Vidyamala introduces key areas of body awareness where mindful breathing can help to bring about regulation and calm in the body/heart/mind. She calls these the 5 B’s of the breath: Buttocks, Belly, Back, Back of the throat and Brain. She introduces the physiology of these areas and then leads a guided meditation….
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Nirmala Werner – Week of Jan 23 – 27, 2023
This week’s theme is “5 Doorways to Love”. What hinders our love? Where are we blocked? Desire, anger, dullness, restlessness and doubt are the so-called 5 hindrances: qualities in the mind which obstruct mindfulness and love. At the same time, when we approach them wisely, they can serve as a beautiful guide towards liberation. During this week we will explore the treasures of these qualities for our meditation and our daily life.
Mindful Inquiry: A Path of Freedom and Joyful Responsibility
Recorded :
January 20, 2019 Mindful Inquiry is the path of asking the question that points to freedom. This practice can support even long-time practitioners to find more relief from suffering and clarity about the ever-present wholeness of True Nature. A good teacher can point the way, but it is up to each of us to take responsibility for our…
Awake in the wild – meditation in nature as a path to awakening.
Recorded :
March 29, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Mark Coleman: “Awake in the Wild – Meditation in Nature as a Path to Awakening”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
Self and not-self: the secret of anata.
Recorded :
March 20, 2016 Worldwide Insight talk from Lila Kimhi: “Self and Not-self: the secret of Anata”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
Welcoming the Beyond
Recorded :
October 15, 2023 What is beyond the ordinary mind? Can thought be background music, not a distraction? How can we access a consciousness that is open, free and limitless? How can we dive into the ocean instead of being tossed by the waves? The Buddha was an unparalleled non-dual teacher who taught the formless as well as form….
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of 6 – 10 November, 2023
This week’s topic is “Everything to Lose, Nothing to Fear”
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ulla Koenig – Week of Oct 17, 2022
This week’s topic is “A Peaceful Mind”. Thoughts are our continuous companions. While some are harmless, others have a deep impact on us: not only do they shape perceptions, but they also influence our physical and mental well-being. In our darkest hours, we might feel the pain of negative, depressing or restless thought patterns. Shaken by their invasive nature, we often wish for a rest from the never-ending chatter. We dedicate the upcoming week to an exploration into the realm of thoughts and skilful practice.