Similar to the phases of the moon, our spiritual practice is full of natural rhythms and seasons. In this session we will learn a simple chart, called the phases of insight, that supports recognizing what can unfold at various points in meditation. By learning these patterns we can open our hearts with more confidence, and attune to our innate wisdom.
With Emily Horn recorded on April 7, 2024.
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Nirmala Werner – Week of Nov 1, 2021
This week’s theme is “Embodied Metta – The Body as a Pathway to Freedom”.
The Buddha’s teachings invite us to be with things as they are. This week, we’ll learn embodiment practices to help us cultivate true love, compassion and care for ourselves and for others. We’ll practice staying intimate with our body, mind and heart in daily life, in sexuality, and with (often unwanted) thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Sunday Session with Yanai Postelnik
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May 3, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Yanai Postelnik. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
An Experience is Not The Point
Recorded :
May 13, 2018 A deep application of attention includes the sustained application to any important experience. This includes a vast range of happy or painful, spiritual or conventional experiences. There is the view of the experience and the experience. What is a fresh way to see an important experience? Does the view of the experience matter more than…
Surrendering the Clever Mind into the Listening Heart
Recorded :
February 14, 2021 As our deepening poly-crises shift us from a sense of predictability, stability, and even a future, into crisis management as a daily norm, how can our practice support inner resilience and a meaningful response? We will touch on Dharma practices and teachings that support the internal shifts needed as we transition from over-reliance on separative…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Zohar Lavie – Week of February 1, 2021
We’re fortunate that Zohar Lavie has generously offered to lead our daily meditation sessions for Europe and the UK. To find out more about Zohar, and to view her other contributions to Sangha Live, click here.
Practicing with the suffering of the world.
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October 23, 2016 Worldwide Insight talk from Diana Winston: “Practicing with the Suffering of the World”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
Not-other: knowing our solidarity with all beings.
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April 30, 2017 Dharma teachings point at the way our experience is not-self. This also means that everyone else is not-other. In this class we explore the ways we isolate and defend ourselves, and reach for and reject others, looking towards a greater inclusion of and intimacy with others as the ground for both better relationships and true…
What Feeds your Craving?
Recorded :
May 19, 2024 The Buddha discovered that craving is the cause by which stress comes into play. Letting go of this constant pursuing of our desires is possible. Befriending this human and natural craving needs the power of kind awareness and an ongoing reflection: What feeds my craving? And: What feeds letting go?