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The Power of a New Year’s Resolution

With Christopher Titmuss recorded on January 5, 2020.

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We start a new year. It is 2020.

Perhaps the intensity of environmental dramas in 2019 finally made clear to many people the vulnerabilities to life on Earth.

It might be useful to make a New Year’s resolution that lasts longer than a week.

Here are four considerations.
1. Dedicate an hour a day or seven hours a week expressing concerns about the eco-crisis.
2. Practice to be free from living in hope and fear
3. Attend a retreat or two for renewal, confidence and the capacity to act.
4. Meditate and reflect on the Timeless to free up the whole being.

Join Christopher in this session to explore these suggestions in more depth.

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


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