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The Power of Surrender

With Deborah Eden Tull recorded on June 18, 2023.

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The spiritual path requires our surrender – again and again. We surrender story, striving, preoccupation, and the illusion of separate self. We surrender all that is not Love.

  • How do we remember the power of surrender alongside resistance?
  • How do we recognize the emergent ground of Trust while navigating the unknown?
  • How can the liminality we face collectively be met with an unguarded heart?

This restorative teaching is inspired by Eden’s newest book Luminous Darkness: An Engaged Buddhist Approach to Meeting the Unknown.

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


One thought on “The Power of Surrender

  1. Thanks, this was very inspiring! I have been studying Buddhism for about a year, mostly through reading Pema Chodron, and today was my first time finding this website, as I think I need a Sangha in my life. So it seems I am in the right place, and I very much intend to return! Thanks Deborah, -Alex

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